Debunking Coffee Myths: How Drinking Coffee Daily Can Benefit Your Winnipeg Workplace

Winnipeg Office Coffee Provider| Regina Coffee Myths | Saskatoon Staff Perks

Debunking Coffee Myths: How Drinking Coffee Daily Can Benefit Your Winnipeg Workplace

Are you someone who loves coffee? If you enjoy your daily cup of coffee but have concerns about health myths associated with it, don’t worry! Canteen Canada is here to clear up some common misunderstandings about coffee and share the great benefits of having a cup of coffee every day. As Winnipeg’s leading office coffee provider, we’ve got you covered!

Myth #1: Coffee Causes Dehydration

Some folks believe drinking coffee can dehydrate you, but let’s straighten things out. Did you know that coffee is mainly made up of water? In fact, it has around 98%. That’s right! Experts agree that your daily coffee can actually help you reach your daily water intake. Since our bodies are about 60% water, having coffee can assist in keeping you hydrated. So, as you can see, this myth is untrue. The truth is that Coffee is a hydrating drink with impressive health benefits. Therefore, you need it in your Regina break room!

Myth #2: Coffee Is Bad for the Heart

Contrary to what many people think, a recent study from the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology in 2022 brings good news for coffee lovers. This study found that people who drink two to three cups of coffee daily have a lower risk of heart-related issues than those who avoid coffee. So, if you’re worried about your heart health, having coffee is good for you. After all, a healthy heart is a happy one!

Winnipeg Employee Benefits| Regina Water & Tea Service | Saskatoon Coffee Myths

Benefit #1: Coffee Is an Antioxidant Powerhouse

Coffee is packed with antioxidants, with six different types in every cup. While we won’t get into the details of each antioxidant, it’s essential to know that coffee is the top source of antioxidants in diets. How cool is that? In fact, these help support your overall well-being. As a result, having coffee in your break room is a must!

Benefit #2: Improves Mental Well-being

Yes, it’s true! Coffee also has a positive impact on your mental well-being and cognitive function. Experts believe drinking coffee can improve brain function, promoting a healthy heart and a longer, healthier life. So, that cup of morning coffee isn’t just a pick-me-up. On the other hand, it’s a tool for your health.

At Canteen Canada, we’re proud to be Canada’s largest office coffee service provider. And we’re here to enhance your coffee experience. We’ll meet all your Saskatoon break room needs. Whether you’re a coffee lover or prefer tea, we’ve got you covered!

Overall, the myths about coffee are just that—myths! So, embrace your daily cup of coffee and let us be your trusted office coffee provider. Want to learn more? Contact Canteen Canada at 866.292.8363 or visit us online to get started. We can’t wait to hear from you!